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Untold Tales Page 11

  When the contraction released its hold, Oenghus cupped her face. “I don’t want to let you go.”

  “And I don’t want to let go,” she admitted. “I will need your strength, my love.” He kissed her lips, and her tears mingled with their breath, tasting of grief. “I must go to my garden.”

  It took effort to release her, to stand and help her find her feet. Every moment felt as if it were their last. Another contraction gave her pause and he rubbed her back as she rode it out.

  “An attendant will summon you,” she said.


  “Bring Morigan.”

  Again, he nodded, and she stepped into the moonlight.

  The Spark

  7th of Greentide, 1994 A.S.

  THE HOURS PASSED, one after another, like a slow march towards death. Each step grew with intensity, and Oenghus was powerless to halt the pangs of birth and the inevitable conclusion.

  Yasine did not need either healer. But he stayed with her as she paced her garden, back and forth, with the restlessness of something wild. When her body was ready, she squatted by her pond, gripping the roots for support.

  The Sylph barely made a noise, until the final push. But it was not a grunt, or a cry, it was a chant. A quiet, breathless song in a language both familiar and foreign—the language of trees and earth and all that lived. It was like a breath and with a gasp, the infant slipped free.

  Oenghus caught the child in one large hand, expecting to be burnt, but the tiny infant was flesh and blood and as slippery as every child he had ever delivered. His daughter’s first cry was like a tremulous note of a bird finding its song. But he took little pleasure in the new life when another was at its end.

  Yasine fell to the ground and curled in the moss, still chanting as she fought for breath. She began to glow with warmth, filling the dark garden with light.

  “Yasine—” he began, but the glow intensified and gathered, pulsing along the cord, filling the tiny infant cradled in his hand. As the warmth entered the child, the color drained from the mother—all the life flowed into her daughter until the Sylph was worn and pale beyond words.

  The light flared, the infant sneezed, and a puff of flame burst from her drooping ears. The child began to cry as the light faded.

  Morigan reined in her surprise, and moved to deliver the placenta before wrapping Yasine in a blanket.

  “Yasine,” he called her name, feeling the life draining from her. The mark on his back faded, until she clung to this realm by a single thread. There was no strength left in her.

  Morigan checked for bleeding, put a hand on the Sylph’s forehead, noting her temperature, and then found her erratic pulse “She needs bolstering, Oen. I don’t understand what’s wrong.”

  Panic clutched at Oenghus’ heart. He could stop her death, bolster her spirit with his own, but one look from Yasine stilled him. With her eyes, she pleaded.

  “Oenghus,” Morigan said, firmly.

  “It’s my will, Morigan,” the Sylph breathed. The words nearly broke him. And realization paled the kindly healer. “Watch him for me, please.”

  “I had a mind to already,” Morigan replied.

  “I know,” she smiled. “Let me hold my daughter.”

  Oenghus propped Yasine up, and pressed the child to her breast. His daughter stopped her squalling and suckled eagerly.

  The Sylph smiled down at her daughter. “Isiilde,” she whispered and looked at Oenghus for his opinion.

  “A fine name,” he croaked, struggling with choice, even as Yasine struggled with breath.

  “Please,” she begged. “Let me go.”

  “You don’t ask much.”

  “Only from you.” Yasine paused to swallow. It seemed a great effort. “Let her find her own path.”

  “I’ll be a father to her—as with any other child.”

  The Sylph closed her eyes, and did not speak again. Slowly, the mark ebbed on his back and he felt her spirit grow distant as her body grew cold, until it was nothing but a shell. Oenghus buried his nose in her hair, aching to join his Sylph.

  A touch finally pierced the emptiness in his heart.

  “Oen,” Morigan said. “The babe will get cold.”

  He nodded and gently removed Yasine’s arms from her child, and took his daughter in hand. All was blurry. He sniffed and wiped his eyes with a brisk hand. His vision cleared. Bright emerald eyes met his, wide and curious, and full of life.

  Oenghus poked her tiny foot and she pushed against his fingertip. “I swear,” he said to his daughter.

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  Acacia Mael – Knight Captain of the Blessed Order on the Isle of the Wise Ones.

  Afarim – Winged race of the Isle of Winds

  Ardmoor – Savage, Void-worshipping barbarians in Vaylin.

  Asmara – A Guardian of Iilenshar, or the Guardian of Love, also known as the Everchild. Asmara was six when the Orb shattered, and has not aged a day since. Daughter of Zahra, sister of Chaim.

  Assumer – A race that can assume any shape.

  Auroch – A massive bull type creature found in Nuthaan and the Fell Wastes

  Bastardlands – The continent that lies between the west and east. Separated by two chasms on either side, it is commonly believed that the Keeper erected the Gates (chasms) to trap the Guardians of Morchaint.

  Berserker’s Rite – Some Nuthaanian warriors risk drinking Brimgrog on the eve of the Reddened Month. Some die, and the ones who survive have a reputation for being volatile and lethal.

  Blessed Order – An Order that reveres and worships the Guardians of Iilenshar.

  Blood Moon – A day and a night of light. All three moons are visible in the summer sky. The Dark One’s moon is closest, playing havoc on coastal areas.

  Brimgrog – Nuthaan’s sacred brew. Few dare drink the burning brew, and of those few, most die. The rare Nuthaanians who survive the Rite are known (and feared) as Berserkers.

  Brinehilde – A Nuthaanian Priestess of the Sylph who runs an orphanage in Drivel.

  Carpinvale – A small fishing town in the south that exiled Oenghus.

  Chaim – A Guardian of Iilenshar, also known as the Guardian of Life and the River God. Son of Zahra, older brother to Asara.

  Circle of Nine – The ruling council of the Wise Ones.

  Coven – A harbor town that sits directly beneath the stronghold of the Wise Ones.

  Da’len – A barbarian tribe in Vaylin.

  Dagenir – A Guardian of Morchaint, also known as the Dark One. He tried to steal the Orb, and battled with Zahra. The Orb shattered during their struggle.

  Darkwood – Trees that our usually found at the bottom of Scars. Their leaves glow red.

  Drivel – A large city on the Wise Ones Isle

  Easthaven – The east side of the city of Haven, separated by the Gate and chasm.

  Eiji – A pink-haired gnome Wise One.

  Ethervenom – An addicting drug made from harvested Plague Viper venom.

  Everwar – The endless struggle between light and oblivion.

  Fell Wastes – A harsh, mountainous region to the north of Nuthaan, populated by Wedamen.

  Fey – Lindale who rebelled against their nature and were twisted by their dark deeds.

  Fomorri – A race created and twisted by the Fey’s foul experiments.

  Fyrsta – The Sylph’s favored realm.

  Galvier Longstride – A legendary wanderer whose feet, it is said, never stops moving.

  Grawl – The Dark One’s Own. Monstrous Voidspawn with depthless eyes.

  Guardians of Iilenshar – The six remaining Guardian’s who survived the Shattering and took the Orb’s unleashed power upon themselves: Zahra, Chaim, Asmara, Zemoch, Oshimi, and Yvesa.

>   Guardians of Morchaint – The six remaining Guardian’s who sided with the Void: Dagenir, Shade, Indrazor, Pazia, Mourn, and Silvanthe.

  Gwaith – A Merchant kingdom along the Golden Road.

  Haimon Goodfellow – Owner of the Glass Goblet. Takes pride in his oiled mustaches.

  Harsbane – A poisonous herb. The leaves can be smoke, but have hallucinatory effects.

  Hengist Heartfang – First Archlord of the Isle of Wise Ones

  Ielequithe – Lord General of the Wise Ones Isle.

  Isek Beirnuckle – Spymaster, friend, (and traitor) to Marsais.

  Isle of Blight – An island to the south of the Bastardlands that was destroyed when Ramashan, a Druid, opened a Portal to the Nine Halls.

  Isle of Winds – A grouping of islands off the Spotted Coast.

  Isle of Wise Ones – An island off the Fell Coast where the Wise Ones Order is located.

  Kambe - A powerful kingdom ruled by Emperor Soataen Jaal III in the West.

  Karbonek – A Greater Fiend from the Nine Halls. An god revered by the Fomorri.

  Keening – The inhabitants of Fyrsta do not age like others. They only age and die of old age when the will to live fades. Someone who has lost the will to live is said to be in the Keening. As such, many die in their twenties and thirties.

  Keeper – A favored servant of the Sylph who was tasked with protecting Fyrsta.

  Kiln – A powerful kingdom to the East.

  King’s Folly – A game of runes that involves two hundred stones, and a cycle of every changing power.

  Lindale – A race of faerie who were wiped out during the Shattering.

  Lispen’s Folly – A whirlpool of chaotic energy churning on the ceiling of the outer sanctum of the main hall. Just outside of the Council Chambers of the Nine. Lispen was a Wise One who tried to open a Runic Portal, and disappeared.

  Lome – A barbarian tribe in Vaylin

  Lucas Cutter – Paladin of the Blessed Order.

  Luccub – An Imp with a tooth fetish.

  Marsais zar’Vaylin – A rather sexy ancient.

  Medwin – A barbarian tribe in Vaylin.

  Miera Malzeen – A Wise One teacher who tried to link with Isiilde and was subsequently burned to a crisp.

  N’Jalss – A Rahuatl Wise One who sided with Tharios.

  Nereus – God of the seas.

  Nine Halls – A realm that was overrun by the Void.

  Oathbound – Inhabitants of Fyrsta take oaths, vowing to remain together as a couple for a specified amount of time determined by the couple.

  Oenghus Saevaldr – A formidable Nuthaanian Berserker. Also known as: Wise One of the Isle, Bone Mender, Skull Crusher, the Bloody Berserker of Nuthaan and the Grimstorm of the Fell Wastes.

  Oshimi – Guardian of Wisdom, also known as The Serene One.

  Pip – A street urchin from the Dock Districts of Drivel. Brother to Zoshi and Tuck.

  Pits of Kiln – A deep chasm in Kiln. Criminals are lowered into the gorge and none ever emerge.

  Pyrderi Har’Feydd – The first fey.

  Rahuatl – A race of humanoids who live in the Jungles of Rraal. Their culture is steeped in ritual and pain.

  Rashk – A Rahuatl Wise One who has a knack for enchanting.

  Reapers – Voidspawn with a taste for fresh blood. Sometimes called Death’s children.

  Rivan – A young paladin of the Blessed Order.

  Scar – The chasms that opened up during the Shattering. Whole cities were swallowed in a moment.

  Shattering – A powerful artifact that the Sylph imbued with her power to fight the Void. When Dagenir, its own guardian, attempted to steal the Orb for himself, Zahra tried to stop him. During their fight, the Orb was shattered, releasing a cataclysmic wave of power that nearly extinguished life on Fyrsta.

  Shimei Al’eeth – A Kilnish Wise One

  Sidonie – A Mearcentian Wise One

  Soisskeli – The Chaos Lord who crafted a stave capable of opening Runic Gateways and binding any creature not of Fyrsta. Oshimi, the Serene One, defeated him in battle.

  Somnial’s Realm – The Realm of Dreams, where all realms touch.

  Spine – A tall, naturally formed spire that towers over the Wise Ones stronghold.

  Stonewood – A sturdy, stone like tree found in Nuthaan.

  Suevi – A barbarian tribe in Vaylin.

  Sylph – The Goddess of All.

  Tharios – A Wise One from Xaio.

  Thedus – A sunburnt man who wanders around the Wise Ones tower naked.

  Thira Olander – Wise One of the Isle, Mistress of Novices, and High Alchemist.

  Tuck – Urchin from the dock district in Drivel. Brothers: Pip and Zoshi.

  Ulfhidhin – The wild god who once abducted the Sylph and fought Karbonek on the Isle.

  Unspoken – or Disciples of Karbonek. A group of devout Bloodmagi who worship the Greater Fiend.

  Void – Everything opposite of life.

  Weeping Mark – A very poisonous spider.

  Westhaven – The west side of the city of Haven, separated by the Gate and chasm.

  Wisps – Tiny faeries who are often captured, put in jars, and used as a light source until they die.

  Witchwood – A rare wood that has a natural resistance to enchantments.

  Xiao – A merchant kingdom in the Bastardlands known for their pleasures.

  Zahra – A Guardian of Iilenshar, also known as the Radiant One, Goddess Of All That Was Just, Guardian of Good, and the Divine Savior. She battled with Dagenir when he tried to steal the Orb.

  Zander – A Wise One who served Tharios, attacked Isiilde, and was burnt to a crisp.

  Zianna – A gifted Apprentice who served under Taal Greysparrow, and mocked Isiilde. She was burned badly.

  Zoshi – Urchin from Dock districts in Drivel. Brothers: Pip and Tuck.


  350 days in a year

  10 Months in a year

  35 days in a month













  The Shadowed Dawn:

  35th of Frostmarch — 1st of Wintertide

  Marks the new year with a night and a day of darkness, when all three moons align and the Dark One’s own moon smothers the sun.

  The Lightened Dusk:

  17-18th of Summertide

  A day and a night of silver light when all three moons align and the Sylph’s moon shines bright.

  The Sylph’s Fortnight:

  10-24th Summertide

  Fourteen days of Festivities dedicated to the Sylph

  Feast of Fools:

  1-7th of Greentide

  A week of costumed festivities that celebrate the end of winter